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Getting Your RV Road-Ready

Now that summer is in full swing here in the Northwest, you’re probably itching to get out on the road and have an RV adventure. Before you load up, you’ll want to make sure that, after sitting for the last few months, your rig is ready to roll.

A lot of things can happen while your RV is in storage, such as tires losing pressure or critters making a nest in the engine compartment. You’ll want to make sure that you check all systems, but don’t worry — we’ve compiled a list of the most important ones here so you don’t forget anything.

Under the Hood

  • Check fluid levels — engine oil, brake fluid, wiper fluid, and water and coolant in the radiator.
  • Look for and remove any nests or other debris that may have collected during storage.
  • Check the batteries, but make sure that all powered items inside the RV and the main power switch are turned off. Clean any corrosion with hot water and baking soda. Check the voltage of the batteries with a multimeter.

The Wheels on the RV Go Round and Round

Tires can lose pressure as they sit for extended periods. Check the RV manufacturer’s recommendations, and ensure that all tires are filled. Also make sure that the lug nuts are properly tightened. If the tread looks low, you’ll want to replace all of the tires, even if some look good, to avoid uneven wear. Having a current AAA membership is a great idea in case you get a flat on the road.

Generate Good Times

If you take a gas-powered generator with you, make sure it’s in working order. Give it a test run, check the air filter, clean the connections, and check the oil level.

Check the AC

Imagine a hot summer’s road trip without AC; it’s almost unthinkable. To make sure that everyone is comfortable, fire up the unit to verify that it runs properly, and check the air filters.

Beautiful on the Inside

Don’t forget to check the appliances, water pumps, fire extinguisher, windows, and all the moving parts inside the RV. These are the things that will cause unnecessary grief if they don’t work, but can easily be fixed if caught ahead of time.

Beautiful on the Outside

Walk around the perimeter of the RV and check that all the exterior doors and compartments are functioning and clean. If your RV has suffered body damage or needs a new paint job, you can contact the talented crew at Interstate Autobody and Truck in the beautiful Wenatchee Valley. They can fix any damaged fiberglass on your RV, and they also specialize in painting RVs. They have the largest spray booth in the valley, ready to give your RV a summer facelift.

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