Category Archives: Car Restoration

Body Shop or DIY? A Quick Guide to Restoring Your Classic Car

Can you hear the roar of the engine? Can you see the gleam of the sun as it reflects off the pristine paint job? How beautiful it is: the love enthusiasts have for their classic cars! Have you ever dreamed of rolling up your sleeves and getting elbow-deep into hands-on repair or restoration of a…
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Why Insurance Companies Reject Auto Repair Estimates

In the aftermath of an accident, there's plenty for a car owner to worry about. While it may be clear to you what's wrong with your vehicle and what repairs are needed to restore it, insurance companies and repair shops often disagree about the estimated costs of repairs and throw the process into dispute. In…
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5 Automotive Restoration Project Pitfalls to Avoid

Everyone who loves cars loves classic cars, but those antique and vintage rides are rarely up to working condition, let alone restored to their original condition. Years of disuse, disrepair, and neglect can wreak havoc on a classic automobile, but returning the old beauty to her original glory isn't a project for the amateur or…
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First Steps to Take Immediately After a Car Accident

No one can really, truly prepare for the shock of a car accident. Whether it's a simple fender-bender or a more serious accident, the shock and surprise in the immediately aftermath can send anyone's mind scrambling. After ensuring that you, your passengers, and other drivers involved are safe and receiving proper medical attention, be sure…
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