Estimates are by appointment only. Please call Larry directly at (509) 630-6620

Recent Posts by Marketeer

Why You Shouldn’t Paint Your RV Yourself

Summer is here, and what sounds better than hitting the open road with family and friends? It’s time to get the RV up and running, ready to go. If part of getting prepared involves more than just dusting off the cobwebs that gathered over the winter, stop a minute before you head to the nearest…
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RV Camping in Winter & Tips to Prep Your RV After Winter Storage

The changing seasons means a lot of new tasks and worries for knowledgeable RV owners, but luckily it’s easy enough to stay on top of these concerns and keep your RV in good working order if you know what to do. If you’re brave enough to go camping instead of keeping your RV in storage…
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How to Winterize Your Diesel Truck

The leaves have fallen, temperatures are sinking, and the salt trucks are gearing up for work. The transition to winter can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people. For us, however, winter means worrying about a range of seasonal elements and hazards that can cause some serious wear and tear to…
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Safety Tips for Winter Trucking

Driving in snow and nasty weather is a challenge, but when you’re behind the wheel of an semi truck, it can be even more difficult. As the driver of an 80,000-lb. truck and trailer, you need to put to use all of the tricks of the trade and safety tips that you can whenever you…
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